Interested in learning more about one of the properties listed below? Call the SouthWest Management office at 903.893.0114, Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm!
Any applications submitted are to SouthWest Management as a whole, not to a specific address -- we can attach your application to any other properties we have available if needed. We cannot tell you if you will be approved or denied until an application has been submitted and a background check has been run. Once your background check has been run, your application fee cannot be refunded, even if you are denied.
Properties are marketed and available until an applicant has been approved and has paid their holding fee for the property. Until both of these steps have been fulfilled, a property will remain on the market, and it cannot be held for anyone who has not completed both steps. Please make sure to read the application thoroughly as it explains these rules in depth.
We are currently out of available properties! Keep checking back for any availabilities, or call our office at 903.893.0114. Thank you!
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