6.2 Resource Consent - Content

A record of a healthcare consumer’s choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time.

6.2.1 Scope and Usage

The purpose of this Resource is to be used to express a Consent regarding Healthcare. There are four anticipated uses for the Consent Resource, all of which are written or verbal agreements by a healthcare consumer [grantor] or a personal representative, made to an authorized entity [grantee] concerning authorized or restricted actions with any limitations on purpose of use, and handling instructions to which the authorized entity must comply:

This resource is scoped to cover all four uses, but at this time, only the privacy use case is modeled. The scope of the resource may change when the other possible scopes are investigated, tested, or profiled.

A FHIR Consent Directive instance is considered the encoded legally binding Consent Directive if it meets requirements of a policy domain requirements for an enforceable contract. In some domains, electronic signatures of one or both of the parties to the content of an encoded representation of a Consent Form is deemed to constitute a legally binding Consent Directive. Some domains accept a notary’s electronic signature over the wet or electronic signature of a party to the Consent Directive as the additional identity proofing required to make an encoded Consent Directive legally binding. Other domains may only accept a wet signature or might not require the parties’ signatures at all.

Whatever the criteria are for making an encoded FHIR Consent Directive legally binding, anything less than a legally binding representation of a Consent Directive must be identified as such, i.e., as a derivative of the legally binding Consent Directive, which has specific usage in Consent Directive workflow management.


Derived Consent content includes the Security Labels encoding the applicable privacy and security policies. Consent Security Labels inform recipients about specific access control measures required for compliance.