FHoekie Member Posts: 4
2004-10-29 edited 2008-05-10 in Navision FinancialsCan someone tell me wich license I must have for accessing the C/AL code in tables, forms and codeunits?
And what is the difference between Application Builder and Solution Developer?
aru Member Posts: 1
With Application Builder you can acces all code from tables, etc from nr 50000..
With Solution Developer you can acces all code from tables, etc from nr 1..
Please feel free tot contact me for detailed advise.
kine Member Posts: 12,562
No, there is only one difference: With solution developper you can change objects which changing protected tables. for example Codeunit 12 which change G/L entries. in application builder you can change all code in objects which you have in licence and do not work with protected tables.
Application Builder (7,200)
Technology You use this granule to change the business rules and special calculations that work behind the scenes.
These business rules and special calculations are defined in a language we call C/AL (C/SIDE Application Language). While Application Builder includes access to C/AL, it does not allow access to existing C/AL code that updates write-protected tables (postings for instance). Application Builder lets you create entirely new areas of functionality for your application, enabling you to tailor Navision Attain to fit your entire organization.
This tool also enables you to create 100 Codeunit objects (numbered from 50,000 to 50,099).
Requirements: Report & Dataport Designer, Form Designer and Table Designer
Solution Developer (7,300)
Technology You use this granule for the same purposes as the Application Builder granule, but it also gives you access to code that updates write-protected tables.
This granule gives you the access necessary to change or create any object type, and gives you access to the Merge Tool and Upgrade Tool.
This granule also enables you to use the menu options Translate/Export and Translate/Import in the Object Designer. These options are not available with the Application Builder granule.
Requirements: Application Builder