Quality Care Health Plan (QCHP)

The Quality Care Health Plan, or QCHP, is a medical plan that offers a comprehensive range of benefits. Under the QCHP, plan participants can choose any physician or hospital for medical services and any pharmacy for prescription drugs. Plan participants receive enhanced benefits resulting in lower out-of-pocket amounts when receiving services from a QCHP network provider. The QCHP has a nationwide network that consists of physicians, hospitals, ancillary providers, pharmacies, and behavioral health services. QCHP benefit levels are indicated in the following benefit level charts:

Plan Components

QCHP comprises three independent components:

The coverage for prescription drugs and behavioral health services operates independently of medical benefits. It is not necessary to satisfy the medical plan year deductible to start receiving benefits for prescription drugs or behavioral health services; however, the prescription plan year deductible must be satisfied prior to receiving prescription benefits. An annual prescription deductible is applied for each person covered on the plan each plan year. The prescription drugs and behavioral health services are subject to out-of-pocket maximums and have their own plan administrator.

Member Responsibilities